Remembering David Mills: A Pioneer of Time Synchronization

January 21, 2024 1 min read
Remembering David Mills: A Pioneer of Time Synchronization

The Internet mourns the loss of Dr. David Mills, a pioneer whose work on the Network Time Protocol (NTP) shaped the world's approach to computer timekeeping.

Although Mills contributed many other technologies, his seminal contribution was in my opinion the development of NTP, a key element in network time synchronization. While my own work in clock stability, particularly with RADical Sync, follows a different path than NTP, the importance of Mills' work in the broader context of time synchronization cannot be overstated. His innovations laid the groundwork for various approaches to network timekeeping, including alternatives like RADical Sync.

Dave Mills was a visionary whose influence extends across the entire landscape of network technology. His contributions have laid a foundation that will continue to support and inspire future innovations in time synchronization and beyond.


Peter Membrey
Written By Peter Membrey

Peter Membrey is a Chartered Fellow of the British Computer Society, a Chartered IT Professional and a Chartered Engineer. He has a doctorate in engineering and a masters degree in IT specialising in Information Security. He's co-authored over a dozen books and a number of research papers on a variety of topics. These days he is focusing his efforts on creating a more private Internet, raising awareness of STEM and helping people to reach their potential in the field.

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