Accepted for Quantic's EMBA!
I'm really excited to share that I was accepted for the Executive MBA programme at the Quantic School of Business & Technology. As the programme is really competitive with many global applicants and a low acceptance rate (around 7% for the EMBA, and 13% for both MBA programmes), I didn't fancy my chances of getting a place. However, after working through the free course modules available on their app, I just knew I had to apply!
I've always been a life long learner and have tried to always have something going on that helps me learn and level up my skills. After I completed my doctorate, I wasn't sure what I wanted to do next, but this came along at just the right time. I did my masters degree online studying with the University of Liverpool. I graduated in 2010, so the Quantic platform has 12 years of evolution on what I used previously and it really shows, both in terms of richness and interactivity and the mobile first nature of the experience. That's not to say the University of Liverpool experience wasn't great - it really was and I learned a lot (especially by interacting with my fellow classmates), but with new technology comes a whole new experience.
I'll definitely post updates as things progress, and share how I'm getting on and how I am finding the platform and learning experience.
I can't wait to get started!
Peter Membrey is a Chartered Fellow of the British Computer Society, a Chartered IT Professional and a Chartered Engineer. He has a doctorate in engineering and a masters degree in IT specialising in Information Security. He's co-authored over a dozen books and a number of research papers on a variety of topics. These days he is focusing his efforts on creating a more private Internet, raising awareness of STEM and helping people to reach their potential in the field.